If you love a romantic love story then you’re in for an interesting one.
Love, they say is a beautiful thing. but is it? with society having a larger say in determining who, how, where & what to love. Making people make choices based on societal standards and in the end, true love, unfortunately, doesn’t prevail.
However, interestingly this valentine season, a very unlikely couple professed their love and decided that irrespective of what society thinks of their union they are going to tie their nuptial knot on valentine’s day #OG2020.
Of course, since the announcement of their wedding, unsurprisingly, there was a heated argument on social media as people expressed their opinions expressing mixed reactions to the news.
Some called it true love, others called it a weird combo, and so the battle continued as more people patiently waited for the wedding day….
Surprisingly, on valentine’s day, the expected wedding day, Indomie joins the unlikely couple in delicious matrimony. Subtly reinstating that “true love should prevail” … with Indomie, every ingredient you choose to make your indomie with, no matter how unlikely it seems to the society. is a perfect combo !! and officially announcing this valentine season as #MyIndomieMyLove season.
With #myindomiemylove, people are encouraged to prepare their favorite indomie recipe with two ingredients they love and they can stand a chance to win BIG as there is OVER 1 million naira to be won this Valentine season.